Breakout, an iconic video game released by Atari in 1976, emerged as a milestone in the arcade gaming industry. Inspired by the concept of Pong, Breakout introduced a novel gameplay mechanic centered around breaking a wall of multicolored bricks. Players control a paddle located at the bottom of the screen, using left and right arrow keys to move horizontally. The objective is to rebound a ball off the paddle and send it upward to collide with the bricks above, breaking them one by one. The blocks are divided into various colors, each representing different point values. Notably, the number of hits required to destroy a brick corresponds to the level of the game, increasing the challenge as players progress. The game’s innovative approach to block-breaking mechanics, coupled with its intuitive controls, captivated players and solidified Breakout’s legacy as a pioneering title in video game history. This game is an ode to that game.